Winter Solstice | King’s Chamber & Sahara Desert

Our closing circle after a two-week pilgrimage to ancient Egypt last December 2022. This trip was life-changing, and this special moment in the Sahara desert 🐪 on the winter solstice will always hold a special place in my heart, just hours after our private ceremony in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza where everyone completed the final initiation of the Mystery School of the Rose.

Here we are, connecting to the crystalline energies of the desert, the heart & soul of Egypt, filled with gratitude for the special time together, the infinite magic that revealed herself to us, and the faith & devotion reawakened in all our hearts.

I am excited to share that we are journeying through Ancient Egypt again this year, December 9- 22, and I am ooh so excited for ROUND 4! … Last year, I thought it would be my last time for a while, but I quickly realized Egypt has another plan for me.

Humbled I continue to be an infant & student to her mysteries and honoured to be a gatekeeper for those who hear the call

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