Awaken the goddess within


Unlock the Mystical Portal to Your Divine Potential. Connect with seven Goddesses and receive their sacred transmissions. Embrace your inner divinity and step into a world of magic and mystery with Mystery School of the Rose's mini-series.


Awaken the goddess within


Unlock the Mystical Portal to Your Divine Potential. Connect with seven Goddesses and receive their sacred transmissions. Embrace your inner divinity and step into a world of magic and mystery with Mystery School of the Rose's mini-series.



The Goddess is knocking.

She is here.

Her essence is ready to be remembered and embodied by those ready to carry the high light of unconditional love.

We are all feeling her deeply. 

Open the portal of your sacred heart and activate the Rose Codes within you. 

The Rose and her high feminine frequency are encoded within our DNA.

Open and allow these transmissions to awaken a remembrance of your divinity, sovereignty, power, creative force and leadership.

You are ready to connect back to the cosmic consciousness of the Christ Light that you are and reunite with the galactic Rose Order, the Sisterhood of the Rose.

We are in the new age of Sophia.

It is time to leave all fears behind and rise up, spread your Isis wings and fly, soar and lead with beauty and grace.

It is time to usher in the New Earth, the Golden Way that is upon us, together.

Hand in hand & heart to heart. 

Bianca Kempe | Mystery School of the Rose ©