Magdalene Rose Pilgrimage

A journey of remembering

Reawaken your DIvine Feminine Heart through a magical pilgrimage through the mystical Magdalene Languedoc Lands in Southern France.

August 21-26, 2024

we remember our place in the foretold Cathar prophecy, reclaiming our duty & place as Carriers of the Christ Light

We are indeed living through some of the most exciting and important times in history. Join us on a journey of remembering and reconnetion to our her-story, to the Magdalene Fire within our temple hearts. As we walk along the Cathar lands, we remember the divinity within us, reconnecting to our purpose and mission as bringers of the eternal flame into the hearts of humanity.

  • 6 days/ 5 nights
  • Accommodation in our beautiful rustic villa, overlooking majestic Mount Bougarach, nestled beside a wise guardian Oak Tree and steps away from renowned Rennes Les Chateau
  • Delicious, healthy cuisine
  • Daily morning practice of yoga, breathwork and meditation
  • Pilgrimage to sacred sites including, The Fountain of Love, The Magdalene Cave, The Magdalene Tower & Chapel, The Fairy Forest, and Mount Bougarach.
  • Guidance by founder of Mystery School of the Rose, Bianca Kempe
  • Temple of Isis Ritual, Sacred Ceremonies, Rose Workshops & Work, Song & Prayer Circles
  • Creative Workshops for personal development & discovery including writing, dancing + more!

"I will be back, but not as one, rather in the hearts of many."

Mary Magdalene

The time is now, and we are all remembering our place as guardians and way showers of a New Earth, a New Paradigm and a New Way

The Way of Love

The Way of the Heart

The Way of the Rose

In sisterhood, we walk and remember the spark of divinity within, illuminating the way of the sacred heart


  • 6 days/ 5 nights
  • Accommodation in our beautiful rustic villa, overlooking majestic Mount Bougarach, nestled beside a wise guardian Oak Tree and steps away from renowned Rennes Les Chateau
  • Delicious, healthy cuisine
  • Daily morning practice of yoga, breathwork and meditation
  • Pilgrimage to sacred sites including, The Fountain of Love, The Magdalene Cave, The Magdalene Tower & Chapel, The Fairy Forest, and Mount Bougarach.
  • Guidance by founder of Mystery School of the Rose, Bianca Kempe
  • Temple of Isis Ritual, Sacred Ceremonies, Rose Workshops & Work, Song & Prayer Circles
  • Creative Workshops for personal development & discovery including writing, dancing + more!
  • ... and more

I'm interested!


Hi I’m Bianca,

meet your guide.

A great teacher once told me: “Life is a 12-inch journey, from the head to the heart” and this is the journey I have been on ever since, fully committed to be a true expression of my heart.

My name is Bianca and it is my great honour to meet you here. I walk the priestess way and am passionate about awakening the divine feminine within me, within others and of the planet. I carry the rose codes and sing the songs of the universe through my open heart. I am devoted to the sacred earth and to the path of my heart, to truth and to the evolution of consciousness.

I am a Priestess of the Temple of Isis and am in service to activating the remembrance of Christ Consciousness on earth by guiding those who are ready back to their own intuition, heart and soul. Through the Mystery School of the Rose, retreats, workshops, courses, coaching, and temple rituals I share experiences that activate the remembrance of Truth; that we are all divine sovereign beings of light love, God in manifested form, each one of us here with a unique purpose. I live my life by the Heart Code template devoted to love, loving and life.


  • Dates: August 21-26, 2024
  • The retreat begins at 4 pm CET on August 21st and completes after brunch at noon on August 26th.
  • Price: 1,555 Euro (shared), 1,755 Euro (private)


What is the daily schedule like?

We will begin our days around 8 am for a gentle morning practice of yoga, breath and meditation. After breakfast, we will set out on our daily pilgrimage route to one of the sacred sites. In the afternoon we will return, and have a delicious and well-earned meal. In the afternoon/evening, we will have a creative workshop to integrate the day's experience and discoveries. We will circle and wisdom council daily to share the musings and channellings each of us has received. Each day will flow a bit differently depending on what excursions we have planned.

What type of food will be served?

The menu will be prepared by our dear sister and master chef, Rachel. The cuisine will be vegetarian with vegan and gluten-free options. All food is fresh, organic and locally sourced as best as possible!

Where will we be staying?

Our retreat sanctuary is the comfortable and magical La Valedieu, the Valley of the Gods. A family-run retreat center, steps away from the infamous Rennes Le Chateau, in the center of the Venusian energy circuit of the Languedoc Lands - a portal to say the least. There is the option to have a shared or private room depending on your preference and budget.

How do I get there?

The retreat center is located 1:45 hours from the nearest airport, Toulouse. We will help guests arrange their pick up and drop off on the 21st and 26th. Depending on guest arrival and departure times we will organize a shuttle (at an extra cost) to reduce travel costs for you.

Do I need to have experience working with Bianca in the past or are there any other prerequisites to join?

Our Sacred Magdalene Pilgrimage is available to anyone who feels the true calling to connect with the tales and mysteries of Mary Magdalene, her life and teachings. It is an initiation into her Order and an awakening into the remembrance of your Divine Feminine, Christ nature.

How do I register?

Click one of the buttons on this page and pay a 500 Euro deposit to secure your spot. You will be contacted after payment with indications about the next steps. You can also click here to pay.

NOTE: The Pilgrimage will take place on condition that the minimum number of paying guests register before June 15, 2024.

are you ready?

spaces are limited. you may secure your spot by paying a 500 Euro deposit here. For more information or if you have any questions feel free to contact me here:

Register Here

any questions?