bridging culture, codes & intention across the globe

reflections from our powerful EQUINOX MAGDALENA ROSE pilgrimage 🌹🌹🌹

.a spontaneous knowing summoned me to the Languedoc lands of Southern France this July… and very quickly, like the speed of light, time opened, paused and revealed infinite fruits of love ❤️ 

…the next thing I know, two months later, a powerful covenant of priestesses are gathering here to do deep work, re-writing timelines, shifting old paradigms and reclaiming sweet sovereignty in our hearts and in the hearts of humanity.

as the universe had it planned, we were so blessed to be joined by my teacher, Shipibo Rose Carrier, Delsi 🌹from Peru. some photos of the sweet time we spent altogether- singing icaros, mantras and hymns to the divine mother. on the fall equinox, we sat with grandmother ayahuasca and prayed together – holding the intention of unconditional love to anchor on our pacha mama and in the hearts of all. books can literally be written about these days together and the unimaginable magic that unfolded and guided our journey. deep gratitude for Delsi, for the magic that bridges culture, codes and intention across the globe – gridding the light from continent to continent, from lineage to lineage and timeline to timeline. thank you sweetest sisters and brothers, to come together for this work.  

the trinity of the rose, ayahuasca and noya rao – – – exploring this alchemy and holding her sacred.


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