the secret of GRATITUDE

the key to unlocking our infinite potential and abundance is gratitude. “what are you grateful for?” is something we hear so often, ‘be grateful’… but what is actually happening when we are grateful?

I am going to share two powerful tips in this post about gratitude. the first is why being grateful is so powerful and the second is how by beginning our day with gratitude, we can literally hack and positively engineer our entire day, week, month, year and life!

when we express gratitude for what we have, we embody the energetic signature of already having what we need. by vibrating this into the cosmos, we continue to have, attract and receive abundance because the universe is always reflecting to us what we are.

take this little secret one step further, and begin each morning with gratitude! upon arising to the new day, reflect on ten things you are grateful for – you have just immensely impacted your day! the day is already a victory, you have chosen abundance consciousness and more of what you desire will continue to flow into your life, effortlessly.

the path of the priestess is one of beauty, grace and ease. gratitude, devotion and reverence to the divine is one of the most important keys of our way; everything is energy and we work with this knowledge to manifest the reality we desire.


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