The Priestess Way, Mastery & Self Knowledge

The Priestess Way, Mastery & Self Knowledge
one of the pillars of the priestess way is mastery, and the first key of mastery is self knowledge.
when we know who we are, what we stand for and own it with conviction (both strengths and weaknesses, shadow and light), we stand in our power and no longer need to seek approval or allow others to determine our worth. When we honour and embody all parts of who we are, we know our humanity and embody our own divinity. When we show up as our authentic self we vibrate divinity in our expression thus giving permission to others to do the same; we emit a powerful drishti दृष्टि which ripples into the field and awakens everything it touches.
an invitation to step into your mastery, commit even more fiercely to your daily practice of self inquiry and observance; this is where the real magic lies.

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