The Mystery School of the Rose 🌹

The Mystery School of the Rose 🌹

Feeling inspired to share more about what this passion project of mine is all about, something that fully gave birth into this 3D reality just two years ago but was in the making for much longer than that, in fact in the making since the beginning of time. The Mystery...
Goddess Saraswati speaks…

Goddess Saraswati speaks…

A message of LOVE from Goddess Saraswati; Goddess of art, wisdom, knowledge and creativity 🌹🌹🌹 “sweet angels of the earth I salute you on your missions. thank you for showing up, for remembering and for mastering this lifetime of yours so you can translate the...
Divine Feminine Leadership

Divine Feminine Leadership

as we transition through this very real shift of awakening on our planet, we are being called forward and up into our role as leaders. as complex as this ‘shift’ may seem, it is very simple – it is merely a 16-inch shift; a journey from the head to the heart! it...
The Priestess Way, Mastery & Self Knowledge

The Priestess Way, Mastery & Self Knowledge

The Priestess Way, Mastery & Self Knowledge . one of the pillars of the priestess way is mastery, and the first key of mastery is self knowledge. . when we know who we are, what we stand for and own it with conviction (both strengths and weaknesses, shadow and...
The Path of the Rose

The Path of the Rose

The path of the rose is the path of the heart. Committing to the Rose Path is agreeing to make every thought, every word and every step in full alignment with your heart’s knowing and with your deepest truth. The rose path requires courage, purity and trust AND if one...