mastery = perfect balance between our masculine & feminine energies

our recent trip to India has given me the space to reflect upon my journey thus far and remember… 

remembering the path of YOGA.

when the path of the divine feminine swept me up I went all in- discovering a whole world that  my heart was longing to connect with; similarly to when I discovered yoga for the first time and the way it swept me away from my at-the-time-reality into a world of consciousness, yogic science and more…

thus having been fully immersed on the path of the divine feminine and experiencing her awakening, remembering her ways, the path of the heart, the path of the rose, the path of feeling, the path of emotion, the path of the dance, devotion, shakti, and flow… I slightly veered away from my immersion in the yogic sciences…

which is perfect 


this trip to India has answered a deep prayer, to remember, to awaken the fire of passion to attain presence, consciousness, inner peace, enlightenment. this fire was my guiding star for many years and when the rose of the feminine came knocking on my temple heart I curiously answered, and as I tend to do, I went all in – dedicating my whole self to the exploration and discovery of this mysterious world! 

from the moment I landed foot on mother India this time around, I was reminded – my monkey mind went loose and the will power to tame her was ignited…and, I remembered to powerful technology of YOGA to support this process. 

a short but transformational trip, I am returned more deeply devoted to the path of mastery. the masculine disciplines reawakened within me to create an even more solid  container for my wild feminine to dance and create freely. like the towering mountains of the Himalayas are Shiva, mother Ganga is the shakti, flowing freely through the path that her shiva has created… what a profound analogy for this life and the path to liberation; mastery is truly the harmonious balance of both our feminine and masculine energies. 

deepest gratitude for all the  teachers who have instilled this profound sense of PRESENCE within me… 

and finally, to continue this musing… as we work with Mother Mary in this Gate of the Mystery School of the Rose, I understand why we were together in ndia… she is the teacher of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, the highest frequency we can experience in this lifetime AND the path to unlock unconditional love within us is ONLY through the gates of PRESENCE. and how do we arrive at presence? well, the sages, mystics and yogis of India have preserved a technology that allows us to arrive here; it’s called yoga. 



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