why Egypt?

I love travelling to Egypt and bringing people to visit because it tells the tales of our origins and when we walk these sacred lands, we remember where we come from. our story is so vast and goes back much further than we can imagine – it goes beyond even the time period when the temples were built in Egypt, in fact, there is evidence sprinkled all across our earth that civilizations have been around for 10,000’s of years! egypt is one of the potent portals where the prayers from distant days can still be felt and where we can remember ourselves as whole, holy and divine. the various gods and goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon help us all to remember our own potential as humans walking on this earth, navigating the 3D with much greater consciousness. when we evoke the gods and goddesses, we awaken their qualities within us. there is a living blueprint of infinite potential within each of us, and through our devotion to the sacred in its various forms, we awaken these blueprints and expand into the deeper embodiments of our own potential.

mother Egypt holds so much information, and as we pilgrimage these lands with an anchored intention to remember ourselves, the magic begins effortlessly, and we reclaim all parts of ourselves back into oneness and into wholeness.

can you spot the spaceship in the hieroglyphs above? and these traces of our story can be found around the world; if you look, you will find them, if you ask, you will remember.


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