Resistance, Fear & Procrastination: a guide & formula for spiritual growth and breakthrough

In this share I will be talking about deeper discoveries I’ve personally made about resistance, fear, procrastination and how these are all blessed indicators of massive opportunity and growth!

Almost everyone has that one thing hidden away in the back of their consciousness, knocking patiently to be addressed; we know it is important yet continue to push it to the side and make excuses like: “I’ll do it later, not now, it can wait, I’ll do it when I have more energy, I’m still waiting for the perfect moment…”

Sound familiar?

When we become aware of this inner dialogue of resistance, procrastination, fear (the 3) and DARE to reframe and act differently upon these feelings; our lives WILL change; brilliant transformation and expansion is around the corner.

If we can muster up the energy, courage and will to witness these feelings (the 3) and choose to perceive them as grand opportunities, rather than being inconvenient and disruptive, then you have just taken a major quantum leap<> in your life.

Do you believe that now I get excited when I experience resistance, procrastination and fear because I know that these emotions, this energy, is a beautiful indicator that there is an opportunity to step into a greater version of myself just on the other side -these feelings are indicate that our soul is ready to take a big leap!

and WHY you may ask; why are ‘the 3’ such powerful guides?

What part of us procrastinates, resists, is fearful, is lazy and why? whatever it is we are resisting, procrastinating, are fearful of is THE thing that will most powerfully evolve us forward. With any transformation there is a death and a rebirth, and this process is often quite challenging. Similar to when a caterpillar is ready to break free from their cocoon, they undergo a very painful and extreme process before they can emerge as a butterfly on the other side.

The caterpillar is the “small self”, the personality we have identified ourselves with and she is being asked to step out of the way and make space for something else to emerge forward. Like the final stage of the metamorphosis process there is a new you, an expanded version of yourself waiting to be embodied yet before the butterfly can blossom you have to let go of who you once thought you were, lose control, surrender, step out of your comfort zone… and of course, not knowing fully what is on the other side can be scary.

The new version of you is completely unknown, it is a mystery , in fact our mind goes as far as believing that there might not even be anything waiting for you on the other side and thus an existential fear of death may even arise. Hence, the moments leading up to transformation and the actions neccessary to unlock great change are often met with the energies of resistance, procrastination and fear.

We need to trust that our butterfly is waiting on the other side and cultivate the persistence to transform the resistance into action. This is when I imagine putting on my golden warrior gloves, opening my Goddess Isis heart and saying ‘give’r!’. Our effort, determination and persistence are our offering to our path, the heart path, the rose path.

My daily prayer has been:
Dear Universe,

I am divine, I am filled with divine love, I am overflowing with divine love.

I have the energy to do what I need to do to live my highest timeline- to live out my dharma, my service and my destiny.

I am here, I have come and I know.

I love you!

I trust this finds those who can benefit from these words and my prayer is that we all accept the challenge to meet ‘the 3’ with this new attitude!

DISCLAIMER: embodying this shift will bring forward rapid and great shifts in your life. Be mindful of divine timing- there is no race to a finish line, no destination. This is an invitation to continue cultivating your art of listening so you can move gracefully in harmony with your own inner rhythms.

Love & Light,

Bianca Rose ☥

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