During our Magdalene Rose pilgrimage we spent our days with The Great Oak, a 250 year old oak tree in the epicentre of the infamous Venusian pentagram star portal- …and during our prayer, song and dance around this Great Oak, the spirit of the majestic snow covered Himalayas awoke within me and like a magnetic force, began to summon me.
— days later I am on my way to India with my beloved, ready to offer ourselves to the mystery that awaits- a spiritual journey, a deepening, an activation, a cleansing, a remembering. despite the infinite reasons why not to go, we overcame the test of trust and made it happen… 🙏 grateful for the last decade of trust muscle training*
and so here we are, one week since arriving and JUST NOW, calibrated to the rhythm of India herself; breathing in deeply the mountain air, in awe of the powerful shiva energy present in the sacred pilgrimage lands of Tehri-Garhwal, and feeling a sense of indescribable peace in my body, heart and mind.
yesterday, as we were on our way from Rishikesh to Raithal (a small mountain town at 2,150 meters) we caught sight of the first snow covered mountain of the Himalaya – a moment of profound awe and wonder, a feeling that deeply touched me. My eyes met the source of my summoning and I immediately knew whey we came here.
the remainder of our journey to Raithal was nothing short of divine intervention, and once we eventually arrived, we were met by the kindest people, a family of animals including a 5-day old goat named Randu, AND the picturesque panorama of snow covered mountains. in the evening the community came together to play music, hot chai was served to soothe the cold and I gazed up only to realize that this was the exact vision that I dreamt with days before deciding to go to India.
another moment of deep breathing as I felt a sense of magic, so real, that I had to brace myself to navigate the expansion and sensations that I was experiencing. the energy is strong here- masculine and intense YET filled with sweetness, grace and love. -baby goat suckling on her mother, children playing, clothes and towels drying on the clothesline – “I am safe, it is OK, I am doing this.”
so we are here in a small town called Raithal with a lovely community of beautiful beings, nourished with this land, the food, the warm chai, and animals… a moment of gentle grace before we continue our pilgrimage to Gangotri, 3,500 meters in elevation, the origin of the Ganges river and the seat of the Goddess Ganga.
guided by our hearts, surrendered to the divine plan, and taking action –
“Live each moment completely and the future will take care of itself. Fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of each moment.”
― Paramahansa Yogananda
in deepest gratitude to this country, the people here, the culture, nature and wisdom that has been preserved here so we can remember.