You & your Divine Channel

Welcome to the mystery school 🌹

These photos are from just over a year back when some of the beautiful priestesses of the Mystery School of the Rose joined me in Costa Rica for our Fall Equinox retreat. We spent several hours each day on the big rocks, the ancient stone people, and in the crystalline river waters, Oshun, learning from all the wisdom and messages from our great mother, nature herself.

This is the Mystery School; you and your divine channel bringing in the codes of the new earth 🌎

In our training, we work with something called the PPP, which stands for Priestess Purification Plan. This is a daily practice everyone who begins the journey with the Mystery School of the Rose commits to. Our work is to purify our vessels and bring the sacred chalice of our being, heart and womb into Christ alignment, purified, whole and holy so we can receive the messages of a new earth in us and through us.

These messages usually come in the form of ‘downloads’ or ‘channelling’ by recalling the origins of our human-nature, our light nature, and most often through Hymns, Prayers, Songs and Odes to the Divine Mother which we then practice singing throughout our initiatory journey. These songs are codes and we sing them together in ceremony, in ritual, in the Temple of Isis in Egypt, in the King’s Chamber on the winter solstice, in between the paws of the Great Mother Sphinx and in ceremony with grandmother plant medicine, Aya.

Grateful for my beautiful soul sisters @shaktiunleashed @su_starbright who have ignited the energy of sharing in more depth and detail the power and magnitude of this work as it is not me alone who is or even can do this; it is all of us, joining together, reunited in the spiralling circle, singing our songs of remembrance, offering our dance to the mystery, and praying together, for the light, for love, for joy to bless once more the hearts of the many, this great mother earth and beyond ✨✨✨


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