rebirthing into our highest calling

The Fountain of Love

This river is where Mary Magdalene was said to perform rituals of initiation. Last month we pilgrimaged here and spent a couple days with this river – feeling her, praying here, listening and offering gifts, music and our joy! The second time we came here it was early in the morning and we entered into an intuitive process of rebirthing ourselves. Listening to the water, we lived moment by moment allowing spirit herself to guide us into a beautiful ritual of letting go followed by a right of promise- an initiation that took our whole beings into a deeper level of commitment to our path, the path, the rose way, the heart path. After a process of purification we all jumped nude into the sacred waters. We emerged and found our way to shallower waters where we took turns baptizing each other into this new version of Self- more devoted, committed and aligned to the wisdom of the heart.

Our prayers are heard and so are yours – how do you honour your coming of age? -your passage into the new butterfly you are expanding into? -the flower you are blossoming into?

We are remembering ritual, ceremony and prayer to remember ourselves- to remember ourselves as whole and holy, to remember life as a living prayer, to remember that all of life all moments are a cosmic gift of God.


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